2024 National Emergency Department Inventory – USA

EMNet is performing its ninth national survey to better understand the nature of U.S. emergency departments (EDs). Briefly, we are contacting hospitals to obtain basic information about their EDs.

The results from this national survey will be used to perform health services research on U.S. emergency care and to enhance our existing app, findERnow (available for free on both iPhone and Android smartphones). If you have questions or would like more information, please contact us at emnet@partners.org.

Key Terms in the Survey

Annual # of ED visits: per calendar, or fiscal, year 2024.

Has separate pediatric area: a dedicated ED area for children only. Pediatric areas vary and might include a waiting room, triage, diagnosis, and/or treatment area for children only.

Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator(s): someone who manages pediatric care in the ED and who helps educate other ED staff on pediatric emergency care. PECC roles can vary, and some EDs refer to these individuals with different titles (e.g., Pediatric Champion).

Telehealth Services: the use of technology for remote clinical diagnostic and treatment services. This service is usually live audiovisual but may sometimes be only audio (e.g., telephone).

Heliport: a fixed, specifically designed facility for the operation of helicopters. Heliports have one or more helipads, the designated area used for helicopter takeoffs and landings.

State Coordinators

For more details, please visit this list of individuals assisting with the project by state.

For More Information

findERnow: free emergency room locator smartphone application

The Emergency Medicine Network (EMNet), based at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, coordinates multicenter studies on a variety of topics in emergency medicine, including factors that affect the delivery and quality of emergency care. Our mission is to advance public health objectives through diverse projects in emergency care, particularly multicenter clinical research.

National Pediatric Readiness Project – The National Pediatric Readiness Project is a multi-phase quality improvement initiative to ensure that all U.S. emergency departments have the essential guidelines and resources in place to provide effective emergency care to children.